Analysis of urban neighborhoods stability with an emphasis on the spatial distribution of urban facilities, Case Study: District 1 of Tehran

Document Type : Science - Research


1 PhD Student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Maragheh University, Maragheh, Iran

4 PhD Student, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this article is to analyze the sustainability of urban neighborhoods with emphasis on the spatial distribution system of urban facilities in neighborhoods of region one of Tehran. Access to urban facilities is one of the important factors in the sustainability of neighborhoods. Public spaces and urban facilities are a vital part of our daily lives in the city. The research method was descriptive-analytical. Niavaran, Emamzadeh, Rostamabad, Naft, Velenjak, Darabad and Qeytariyeh neighborhoods in region 1 of Tehran by random method as the study area. were chosen. Data were collected using documentary method and extracting maps of neighborhoods and residential parts of the neighborhoods from relevant organizations, and finally, using GIS and fuzzy logic, the quality of neighborhoods' access to neighborhood elements was determined. The results showed that neighborhoods in general are fundamentally different in terms of access to neighborhood facilities, Although they are in good condition in some elements, such as access to the park, they are generally far from ideal.




Main Subjects

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