Future studies in the course of changes of urban ecological systems modeling (Concepts , Approachs , Trends)

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Employee of Bavi County Governorate

2 Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University of Iran


The purpose of this study is explain the future studies as a new paradigm in planning in the course of change of urban systems modeling in order to achive ecological sustainability.this fundamental study attempt using the content analysis method and historical methods and data from the study of the library resources , investigation the evolution of the application of model and modeling planning and managing urban ecosystems from the past to now , as well as how to inter future studies approach to regional and urban planning system as a largest ecological systems to discuss. The main necessity for attention to ecology is the study of development processes that occur over time through planning and management processes regarding the interaction betwin physical ,material and vital systems in the interior of ecosystems. innovation of this research involves trying to link triple discussions ,future study ,modeling and urban ecological systems in order to formulate the solution to realize future studies approach to management and planning of urban and regional ecosystems today. The results of the research showed that by examining the historical evolution of urban systems modeling, two classical and modern (contemporary) periods can be distinguished under three discourses or cultures of cities.In the contemporary period of modeling or the third discourse, complexity, uncertainty, self-organization and uncertainty of changes caused more attention to the future in modeling.


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