Analysis of the effect of native community center’s structure on thermal comfort of its Users Case Study: Hamadan Native Open Space community

Document Type : Science - Research


1 . Assistant Professor, Department of Urban planning, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D Student, Department Architecture, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department Statistics, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.


Hamadan has been formed from interconnected neighborhoods dating back more than a hundred years ago. The center of neighborhood in Hamadan known as “Chaman”, provides convenient conditions for residents in severe cold winter, autumn, spring winds, and hot summer with intense sunlight. This space allows the residents to establish social interactions and access adjacent commercial, religious, cultural and health services. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between the Chaman space and climate by climatic analysis of indigenous open spaces in Hamadan. After that, data analysis is done using SPSS software.The research method is a field survey using 4158 questionnaires that were evaluated in ten main neighborhoods of Hamadan in the middle of the seasons of one year at three turns in the morning, noon and evening. Regarding the correlation between temperature, thermal comfort and age, thermal comfort is higher at older ages. The feeling of satisfaction with humidity in the females is twice as much as that in the males. The chance of thermal comfort in the spring, assuming the values of other variables are constant, is 12.77 times the chance of thermal comfort in winter. The chance of thermal comfort in summer, assuming the values of other variables are constant, is 17.14 times higher than that in winter. Also, the chance of thermal comfort in winter, assuming the values of other variables are constant, is 7.63 times the chance of thermal comfort in autumn.


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