In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research


Water resource management, especially in groundwater, is very important in arid and semiarid regions. Natural and anthropogenic phenomena have caused critical conditions and fall in groundwater table within last decades in many places of country. In the research, scrutiny until oscillates level grand water in plain Mehran in Ilam province in duration period 12 years (OF the water year 74-75 until 86-87) using unit hydrograph. Too, delineated aquifer store mass, discharge rate and exploit in this alluvial aquifer. For execution this research, utilized in meteorology, hydrology and Hydrogeology reports, also, data’s and information as to using and pysometry wells and land survey. Proceed after provide data’s and information in GIS at the procurement water depth, aquifer thickness, water level and level changes maps. Results research show witch in said statistic period level downfall rate grand water more of period level rise that and down falling grand water level 10.83 m that medium range of downfall annual 0.77m. Too, calculated of the reservoir aquifer volume and using range in 577 and 44 million. m3.


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