In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research



Dust is one of the atmospheric phenomena that it leaves undesirable environmental effects and consequences such as threat to public health, decline of economic production, resident dissatisfaction and finally forced migration in urban and rural areas. Therefore, the purpose of this review is classification of Iran in terms of frequency of dust storms and determining of critical regions, provinces and cities for national and international planning. For this purpose was used dust hourly data, annual average and maximum data of wind velocity and MODIS images. FCM is used method in this research that is using for regional frequency extremely. According to results, Iran classified in 5 clusters. Cluster5 reclassified to 3 clusters because of its wide range. Maximum cores of dust storms are Zabol station (cluster 1), Abadan, Kenarak, Ahvaz and Zahedan (cluster 2), Dezfol, Bandar Mahshahr, Bostan, Masjed Soleyman, Bushehr, Khash, Iranshahr(cluster 3) and Minimum core of storm (cluster 5-3) is consisting of The North, North-West Iran, the Zagros elevations and North West of Northern Khorasan. According to the results of clustering, Khuzestan and Sistan va Baluchistan provinces are in zoning large, very large and critical dust storms that are required of national and international planning.


Main Subjects

1.  Afrakhteh, H. Bostani Amlashi, Y. (2010), the new method for clustering of wind speed data in wind power stations by FCM and PSO algorithm, computer and electric engineering journal of Iran, 3: pp. 210-214.
2.  Alijani, B. (2003), Iran Climate, Payam noor Publication, pp. 1-122.
3.    Barnett, A. G., Fraser, J. F., Munck, L.  (2012), The effects of the 2009 dust storm on emergency admissions to a hospital in Brisbane, Australia, International Journal of Biometeorology, Volume 56, Issue 4, pp 719-726. 
4.   Bezdek, J. C., (1981), Pattern recognition with fuzzy objective function algorithms, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1-256.
5.   Bochani, MH. Fazeli, D. (2011), the environmental challenges and their damages, Aerosols and its damages in west of Iran, Path of a policy, 3: pp. 125-145. 
6.   Dodangeh, E., Shao, Y., and Daghestani, M., (2012), L-Moments and fuzzy cluster analysis of dust storm frequencies in Iran, Aeolian Research, 5, pp. 91–99
7.  Dunn, J. C, (1974), A Fuzzy relative of the ISODATA process and its use in detecting compact, well- separated clusters. J. Cybernetics 3 (3), pp. 32-57.
8.    Gao, T.; Han, J.; Wang, Y.; Pei, H., and Lu, Sh., (2011), Impacts of climate abnormality on remarkable dust storm increase of the Handshake Sandy Lands in northern China during : 2001–2008, Meteorological Applications, pp. 265-278.
9.    Goudie, A. S., and Middleton, N. J., (2006), Desert Dust in the Global System, Springer, pp 1-287.Goudie, A. S., and Middleton, N. J., (2001), Saharan dust storms: nature and consequences, Earth- Science Reviews, 56, pp. 179– 204.
10.              Goudie, A.S., (2009), Dust storms: Recent developments, Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 89–94.
11.              Han, Y., Dai, X., Fang, X., Chen, Y., and Kang, F., (2008), Dust aerosols: a possible accelerant for an increasingly arid climate in North China, J. Arid Environ, 72, 1476–1489.
12.              Huang, M.; Peng, G.; Zhang, J., and Zhang, Sh., (2006), Application of artificial neural networks to the prediction of dust storms in Northwest China, Global and Planetary Change, 52, pp. 216–224.
13.              Jamalizadeh, M. R.., Moghaddamnia, A., Piri, J.; Arbabi, V., Homayounifar, M., Shahryari, A., (2008), Dust Storm Prediction Using ANNS Technique (A Case Study: Zabol City), World Academy of Science, Engineering  and Technology 43.
14.              John J. Qu., and Kafatos M., (2006), Asian dust storm monitoring combining Terra and Aqua MODIS SRB measurements, Geosciences and Remote Sensing letters, 3(4), pp. 484- 486.
15.              Khosravi, M and Raispour, K. (2011), investigation cut of low in creating dust storms of west south Iran, the eleventh conference of Iranian geographer, Shahid Beheshti of Tehran, p. 143.
16.              Khosravi, M. (2008), spatial analysis of dust storms pollution due winds of 120 days in Sistan by remote sensing, the eleventh of health national conference in Zahedan, medical sciences university, pp. 1-11.
17.              Khosravi, M. (2008), the environmental effects of relation between Hirmand river fluctuations and winds of 120 days of Sistan, Geographical researches, 23 (4), pp. 19-48.
18.              Khosravi, M. (2010), spatial- temporal analysis of Hamoon lakes stability, Iran water sources research journal, 6 (3), pp. 68-79.
19.              Kinoshita, K., Ning, W., Gang, Z., Tupper, A., Iino, N., Hamada, S., and Tsuchida, S., (2005), Long-Term Observation of Asian Dust Inchangchun and Kagoshima, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 5: 89–100.
20.              Masoudian, SA. Kaviyani, MR. (2008), Iran Climate, Isfahan Publication, pp. 1- 179.  
21.              McTainsh, GH., and Pitblado JR., (1987), Dust storm and related phenomena measured from meteorological record in Australia, Earth Surf Process Land forms 12:415-424.
22.              Mei, D., Xiushan, L., Lin, S., and Ping, W., (2008), A Dust-Storm Process Dynamic Monitoring With Multi-Temporal MODIS Data, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol.XXXVII, Part B7, pp. 965-970.
23.              Rao, A. R., and Srinivas, V. V., (2006), Regionalization of watersheds by fuzzy cluster analysis, Journal of Hydrology, 318: (1–4), pp. 57–79.
24.              Rasouli, AA. Sari Saraf, B. Mohamadi, GH, (2010), the analysis of dust trend at west Iran in 55 years of recent, physical Geography Journal, 9, pp. 15-28.
25.              Tavoosi, T. Khosravi, M. Raispour, K. (2010), Synoptic analysis of dusts in Khuzestan province, Geography and development, 20, PP. 97-118.
26.              Wang Tianming, L. A., Shichang, K., Pang Deqian, L. A., (2009), On The Relationship between Global Warming and Dust Storm Variation in China, International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, pp. 59-62.
27.              Yang, Y., Wang, J., Niu, T., Zhou, C., Chen, M., and Liu, J., (2013), The variability of spring sand-dust storm frequency in Northeast Asia from 1980 to 2011, Acta Meteorological Sinica, volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 119-127.
28.              Zhao, Y., Li, H., Huang, A., He, Q., Huo, W., and Wang, M., (2013), Relationship between thermal anomalies in Tibetan Plateau and summer dust storm frequency over Tarim Basin, China, Journal of Arid Land, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 25-31.
29.              Zolfaghari, H. Abed Zadeh, H. (2004), synoptic analysis of dust system in west Iran, Geography and development Journal, pp. 173-188.
1.  Afrakhteh, H. Bostani Amlashi, Y. (2010), the new method for clustering of wind speed data in wind power stations by FCM and PSO algorithm, computer and electric engineering journal of Iran, 3: pp. 210-214.
2.  Alijani, B. (2003), Iran Climate, Payam noor Publication, pp. 1-122.
3.    Barnett, A. G., Fraser, J. F., Munck, L.  (2012), The effects of the 2009 dust storm on emergency admissions to a hospital in Brisbane, Australia, International Journal of Biometeorology, Volume 56, Issue 4, pp 719-726.
4.   Bezdek, J. C., (1981), Pattern recognition with fuzzy objective function algorithms, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 1-256.
5.   Bochani, MH. Fazeli, D. (2011), the environmental challenges and their damages, Aerosols and its damages in west of Iran, Path of a policy, 3: pp. 125-145. 
6.   Dodangeh, E., Shao, Y., and Daghestani, M., (2012), L-Moments and fuzzy cluster analysis of dust storm frequencies in Iran, Aeolian Research, 5, pp. 91–99
7.  Dunn, J. C, (1974), A Fuzzy relative of the ISODATA process and its use in detecting compact, well- separated clusters. J. Cybernetics 3 (3), pp. 32-57.
8.    Gao, T.; Han, J.; Wang, Y.; Pei, H., and Lu, Sh., (2011), Impacts of climate abnormality on remarkable dust storm increase of the Handshake Sandy Lands in northern China during : 2001–2008, Meteorological Applications, pp. 265-278.
9.    Goudie, A. S., and Middleton, N. J., (2006), Desert Dust in the Global System, Springer, pp 1-287.Goudie, A. S., and Middleton, N. J., (2001), Saharan dust storms: nature and consequences, Earth- Science Reviews, 56, pp. 179– 204.
10.              Goudie, A.S., (2009), Dust storms: Recent developments, Journal of Environmental Management, 90, pp. 89–94.
11.              Han, Y., Dai, X., Fang, X., Chen, Y., and Kang, F., (2008), Dust aerosols: a possible accelerant for an increasingly arid climate in North China, J. Arid Environ, 72, 1476–1489.
12.              Huang, M.; Peng, G.; Zhang, J., and Zhang, Sh., (2006), Application of artificial neural networks to the prediction of dust storms in Northwest China, Global and Planetary Change, 52, pp. 216–224.
13.              Jamalizadeh, M. R.., Moghaddamnia, A., Piri, J.; Arbabi, V., Homayounifar, M., Shahryari, A., (2008), Dust Storm Prediction Using ANNS Technique (A Case Study: Zabol City), World Academy of Science, Engineering  and Technology 43.
14.              John J. Qu., and Kafatos M., (2006), Asian dust storm monitoring combining Terra and Aqua MODIS SRB measurements, Geosciences and Remote Sensing letters, 3(4), pp. 484- 486.
15.              Khosravi, M and Raispour, K. (2011), investigation cut of low in creating dust storms of west south Iran, the eleventh conference of Iranian geographer, Shahid Beheshti of Tehran, p. 143.
16.              Khosravi, M. (2008), spatial analysis of dust storms pollution due winds of 120 days in Sistan by remote sensing, the eleventh of health national conference in Zahedan, medical sciences university, pp. 1-11.
17.              Khosravi, M. (2008), the environmental effects of relation between Hirmand river fluctuations and winds of 120 days of Sistan, Geographical researches, 23 (4), pp. 19-48.
18.              Khosravi, M. (2010), spatial- temporal analysis of Hamoon lakes stability, Iran water sources research journal, 6 (3), pp. 68-79.
19.              Kinoshita, K., Ning, W., Gang, Z., Tupper, A., Iino, N., Hamada, S., and Tsuchida, S., (2005), Long-Term Observation of Asian Dust Inchangchun and Kagoshima, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus 5: 89–100.
20.              Masoudian, SA. Kaviyani, MR. (2008), Iran Climate, Isfahan Publication, pp. 1- 179.  
21.              McTainsh, GH., and Pitblado JR., (1987), Dust storm and related phenomena measured from meteorological record in Australia, Earth Surf Process Land forms 12:415-424.
22.              Mei, D., Xiushan, L., Lin, S., and Ping, W., (2008), A Dust-Storm Process Dynamic Monitoring With Multi-Temporal MODIS Data, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol.XXXVII, Part B7, pp. 965-970.
23.              Rao, A. R., and Srinivas, V. V., (2006), Regionalization of watersheds by fuzzy cluster analysis, Journal of Hydrology, 318: (1–4), pp. 57–79.
24.              Rasouli, AA. Sari Saraf, B. Mohamadi, GH, (2010), the analysis of dust trend at west Iran in 55 years of recent, physical Geography Journal, 9, pp. 15-28.
25.              Tavoosi, T. Khosravi, M. Raispour, K. (2010), Synoptic analysis of dusts in Khuzestan province, Geography and development, 20, PP. 97-118.
26.              Wang Tianming, L. A., Shichang, K., Pang Deqian, L. A., (2009), On The Relationship between Global Warming and Dust Storm Variation in China, International Conference on Environmental Science and Information Application Technology, pp. 59-62.
27.              Yang, Y., Wang, J., Niu, T., Zhou, C., Chen, M., and Liu, J., (2013), The variability of spring sand-dust storm frequency in Northeast Asia from 1980 to 2011, Acta Meteorological Sinica, volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 119-127.
28.              Zhao, Y., Li, H., Huang, A., He, Q., Huo, W., and Wang, M., (2013), Relationship between thermal anomalies in Tibetan Plateau and summer dust storm frequency over Tarim Basin, China, Journal of Arid Land, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 25-31.
29.              Zolfaghari, H. Abed Zadeh, H. (2004), synoptic analysis of dust system in west Iran, Geography and development Journal, pp. 173-188.