Unfavorable spatial distribution of schools in the Ahvaz city causees problems such as long distance and time of access to schools, lack of proper educational facilities and incompatibility of educational uses with other land uses that has negative effects. The aim of this study is to analyze spatial pattern of educational uses and determine the optimal pattern of spatial distribution of high school of district 3 in Ahvaz city. This study is a descriptive - analytic. Required data (map layers) has been obtained using satellite imagery, urban land-use maps and detailed maps of Ahvaz. Analysis and standardization of the layers was performed using ArcGis software. Layers are weighted using the analytic hierarchy process AHP. Final integration layer in overlay method was performed using the Raster Calculator option. The results showed that six school from 17 one in the study area (Tondguyan - Jannat - Farhangian - Hekmat – Ferdowsi - Azadegan) are in very convenient location domain for optimal pattern of spatial distribution of school. Results also showed that Mouod high school is located in a very inappropriate spatial state.
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Soleimani Moghadam, P. , , Amanpour, S. , and Ghafarzadeh, F. . "Analysis of the spatial distribution of land uses in region 3 of Ahwaz with emphasis on educational land use", Journal of Urban Ecology Researches, 6, 11, 2015, 41-58.
Soleimani Moghadam, P., Amanpour, S., Ghafarzadeh, F. (2015). 'Analysis of the spatial distribution of land uses in region 3 of Ahwaz with emphasis on educational land use', Journal of Urban Ecology Researches, 6(11), pp. 41-58.
P. Soleimani Moghadam , S. Amanpour and F. Ghafarzadeh, "Analysis of the spatial distribution of land uses in region 3 of Ahwaz with emphasis on educational land use," Journal of Urban Ecology Researches, 6 11 (2015): 41-58,
Soleimani Moghadam, P., Amanpour, S., Ghafarzadeh, F. Analysis of the spatial distribution of land uses in region 3 of Ahwaz with emphasis on educational land use. Journal of Urban Ecology Researches, 2015; 6(11): 41-58.