In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research


Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of this study is evaluate the quality of urban living environment in Baqershahr, Tehran. The type of research was a combination of objective and subjective methods. Data collection tools were documents, statistics and reports of related organizations and institutions. The quality of the living environment was evaluated with 23 measures in the form of pollution, ecological, infrastructure and urban facilities indicators in 5 degrees. Due to the heterogeneous importance of indicators and metrics, AHP model was used to determine the weight of indicators. Documentary data were combined with mental data and by devising a mathematical model and while determining the weight for the measures, the final result of the evaluation was expressed quantitatively and as a relation of the ideal situation. The results showed that 4 measures are in the very good range, 4 measures are in the good range, 4 measures are in the medium range, 8 measures are in the poor range and 3 measures are in the bad range. In terms of scores of 1 to 5 for the 5 spectra evaluated, the weighted average of the measures in terms of weight application for the measures was 3.31 and without it were 2.91. The results indicated that the study area has 66.1% of the desired quality of life and therefore the quality of living environment in Baqershahr is evaluated at a moderate level. High per capita urban green space and the rate of utilization of places from piped water and urban gas networks are strengths and air pollution due to the industrial nature of the region and proximity to Tehran and the presence of desert around, lack of sewerage network and low per capita cultural, sports, health and education were among the important shortcomings that were observed in this study.
Quality of Environment, Urban Life, Baqershahr.


Main Subjects

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