In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research


In this research through applying Terjung method, climatic parameters of average max and min temperature, average max and min relative humidity, average sunshine hours, and average wind speed of 4 synoptic and 14 climatology stations during 16 years statistical period (1994/3/21-2011/3/20) for each month of the year has been used to evaluate Semnan province human bioclimatic, also Arcmap and AutoCAD map software is used to prepare region maps in different months regarding to height gradient and buffering. The result of this survey indicates that most of the stations located in south, east, and west of the province in months Farvardin (March20-April 19) and Aban (October 22-November 20), and north provincial stations in months Ordibehesht, KHordad, Shahrivar, and Mehr (April 20 until June 20 ,and August 22 until October 21) are in relief confine. Due to dominance of massive climatic phenomena on country's atmosphere and therefore on province, the number of bioclimatic types decreases in cold months. On the other hand when warm months of the year begin the role of massive climatic phenomena decreases and local factors dominate, and therefore the type number increases.
Key words:Human Bioclimatic,Terjung, Regionalization, Semnan province


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