In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Bozorgmehr University of Qaenat, Qaen, Iran.

2 Msc, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.


Utilizing the economic, social, and cultural benefits of tourism depends on the identification of effective factors on supply and demand. So the purpose of this research is investigating the factors effecting on tourism demand in Zanjan city. This research is a quantitative research, and is based on library and field data in terms of data collection method. In order to distributing questionnaire, a sample of 360 people was studied using Cochran formala. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics indices such as frequency distribution and inferential statistical tests such as single sample T-test, Chi-square and Friedman. The results indicate that satisfaction rate of access to tourism attractions in Zanjan with an average of 3.54, satisfaction rate of tourism infrastructure in Zanjan with an average of 3.41, satisfaction rate of tourism advertisment with an average of 3.15, and the satisfaction rate of social situation in Zanjan with an average of 3.56 and significant level of 0.000 is at the desired level. Also, the results of studying difference between the components showed that the social component with an average of 2.77 and significant level of 0.000 has the most impact on the tourism demand of Zangan. After that, the access component with an average of 2.65 and a significant of 0.000 ranked second in terms of impact on tourism demand. Also, infrastructure and advertisment components were in the third and fourth ranks with an average of 2.47 and 2.12 respectively and significance level of 0.000.


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