In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research



The main objective of this study is reviewing and examining life satisfaction in informal settlements in Bojnourd. The research method is descriptive – analytic and is practical in terms of type. To analyze the variables of the research, statistical methods including descriptive statistics, factor analysis and step-by-step regression were used and field survey data were collected. Research indicators include physical environment, economic environment and social environment. The component of the physical environment (access to banks, pharmacies, shops and other facilities) is the highest and the savings component of the economic environment index shows the least satisfaction. From 26 items, using factor analysis, 6 factors of environmental health, aesthetics of the environment, public service distribution, economic welfare, social solidarity, and satisfaction were extracted. Base on the findings, the only indicator of access to banks, pharmacies, shops, and other facilities got the highest mean score (3.6) of residents’ satisfaction from the physical environment, nutritional indicators status with 3.2 of economic environment and trust in neighboring with 3.1, indicated the greatest satisfaction from three-fold environments. Finally, the finding showed that the majority of residents in informal settlements are not satisfied with their life quality in terms of standards of three-fold environments.
Satisfaction, Life Quality, Informal Settlements, Bojnourd.


Main Subjects


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