In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Ph.D. Department of Urban, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Urban, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. 3. Professor, Department

3 Professor, Department of Urban, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this research was to explain how to use quality performance enhancement to reflect the demands and tendencies of the people in promoting ecological security management in the city. In order to evaluate the performance of this technique, the Persian Gulf Martyrs-Lake recreation complex in Tehran was studied as an example and 10 popular demands in economic, physical, social and environmental dimensions were revealed and by implementing of the quality performance enhancement technique and 15 optimal methods for satisfaction of the maximum requirements were suggested. The results indicated that it is possible to use the expansion of quality performance in conditions of uncertainty in order to reflect the wishes and desires of the people in urban spaces. Based on the implementation of this technique in the case study, the weight of increase in the number of benches and the installation of roofed pavilions in order to create shade and seating was 3.17. Depending on the type of activity (10.64), the installation of solar lamps for lighting and ambient lighting (10.27), have the highest relative weights. This confirms the high importance of physical and health dimensions in the management of ecological security from the perspective of research samples. The novelty of this study is in using quality performance development technique in improving urban ecological security management


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وب‌سایت شهرداری منطقه 22 تهران،