In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iranian Association For Environmental Assessment (IAEA)

Document Type : Science - Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Msc, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


This research has investigated City Development Strategy (CDS) in improvement of informal settlements in Imam Khomeini Port. The research type  is applied and its method is descriptive-analytical and quantitative. We used documentary and library methods to explain the goals and principles of CDS field survey to check its indicators in the study area and questionnaire  to collect data.. The sample size was determined by Cochran formula with the number of 376 residents by simple random sampling and 50 experts and 26 components were selected as dependent variables for indicators of  governance, competitiveness, banking and livability. The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, 0.76 for the residents' and 0.81 for the experts' questionnaires. Inferentiotic statistics methods such as T-test were used for data analysis SWOT analysis was used to determine appropriate strategies and QSPM method was used to prioritize strategies. The results of the studied indicators from the perspective of citizens with an average of 2.3 and from the experts' view with an average of 2.9 showed that CDS indicators in Imam Khomeini port are not in a good conditions. Appropriate strategies (WT) with defensive position were determined and prioritized. The first to fourth priorities were determined in the order of attracting people's participation, focusing on strategic thinking and integrated urban management, paying special attention to environmental issues and justice in access to facilities. The innovative approach of this research is to provide operational solutions to improve the situation of a city that has hosted the immigrants of the imposed war and endured a lot of pressure during the 8 years of holy defense.


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